How To Build Taskwarrior

This is for developers. Specifically those who know how to use tools, satisfy dependencies, and want to set up a development environment. It is not user-friendly.

You’ll need these tools:

  • Git
  • CMake
  • make
  • C++ compiler, currently gcc 4.7+ or clang 3.3+ for full C++11 support
  • rustc
  • cargo
  • Python 2.7 or later (for tests)
  • Bash (for tests)

You’ll need these libraries:

  • GnuTLS
  • libuuid (unless on Darwin/BSD)

Specifically the development versions, uuid-dev on Debian, for example.

For more details, go to the contribution documentation in the taskwarrior repository.

Cloning the Repo

$ git clone taskwarrior.git

Building the Stable Version

The stable branch always represents the more recently released version, and should be your preferred choice.

$ cd taskwarrior.git
$ git checkout stable                # 'stable' is the current branch matching the latest release.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release . # 'release' for performance.
$ make                               # Just build it.

Building the Dev Branch

The develop branch contains the latest changes. Choose this branch if you want to work on the code, or if you want to try out the latest features.

$ cd taskwarrior.git
$ git checkout develop               # Dev branch
$ git submodule init                 # Register submodule
$ git submodule update               # Get the submodule
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug .   # debug or release, default: neither
$ make VERBOSE=1                     # Shows details

Build the debug type if you want symbols in the binary.

Running the Test Suite

There are scripts to facilitate running the test suite. In particular, the vramsteg utility provides blinkenlights for test progress.

$ cd taskwarrior.git/test
$ make VERBOSE=1     # Shows details
$ ./run_all          # Runs all tests silently > all.log
$ ./problems         # Find errors in all.log

Submitting a Patch

Talk to us first - make sure you are working on something that is wanted. Patches will not be applied simply because you did the work. Remember the various forms of documentation involved, and the test suite. Work on the develop branch. When you are ready to submit, do this:

$ git commit

Follow the standard form for commit messages, which looks like this:

Category: Short message

- Details
- Details

Here is a good example:

TW-1636: UUID with numeric-only first segment is not parsed properly

- Switched Nibbler::getUUID to Nibbler::getPartialUUID, which caused partial
  UUID matching to fail sometimes.
- Changed precedence to search for UUID before ID, which solves the numeric
  UUID problem.

Create the patch using this:

$ git format-patch HEAD^

Mail the patch to or attach it to the appropriate ticket in the bug tracker. If you do the latter, make sure someone knows about it, or it could go unnoticed.

Expect feedback. It is unlikely your patch will be accepted unmodified. Usually this is because you violated the coding style, worked in the wrong branch, or forgot about documentation and unit tests.