The columns
command shows a list of all the supported columns available for inclusion in a custom report.
Each column may have multiple formats, and there are examples shown of each of those formats.
As an example, a due
date can be shown in various ways.
It can be formatted according to the dateformat
configuration setting.
It can also be shown as a Julian date, a POSIX epoch, in ISO-8601 format, as an ‘age’ value or as a ‘countdown’ value.
Each column has a default format, so if the custom report specifies:
Then the default format is used. Other formats can be used like this:
Here is sample output for the columns
Columns Type Modifiable Supported Formats Example
component string Modifiable default*
depends string Modifiable list* 1 2 10
count [3]
indicator D
description string Modifiable combined* Move your clothes down on to the lower peg
2015-12-28 Immediately before your lunch
2015-12-28 If you are playing in the match this afternoon
2015-12-28 Before you write your letter home
2015-12-28 If you're not getting your hair cut
desc Move your clothes down on to the lower peg
oneline Move your clothes down on to the lower peg 2015-12-28 Immediately before your lunch 2015-12-28 If you are playing in the match this afternoon 2015-12-28 Before you write your letter home 2015-12-28 If you're not getting your hair cut
truncated Move your clothes do...
count Move your clothes down on to the lower peg [4]
truncated_count Move your clothes do... [4]
due date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
end date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
entry date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
estimate string Modifiable default*
id numeric Read Only number* 123
imask numeric Read Only number* 12
mask string Read Only default* ++++---
modified date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
parent string Read Only long* f30cb9c3-3fc0-483f-bfb2-3bf134f00694
short f30cb9c3
priority string Modifiable default*
project string Modifiable full*
parent home
recur string Modifiable duration* weekly
indicator R
scheduled date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
start date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
active *
status string Modifiable long* Pending
short P
tags string Modifiable list* home @chore next
indicator +
count [2]
tracnumber numeric Modifiable default*
tracsummary string Modifiable default*
tracurl string Modifiable default*
until date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
urgency numeric Modifiable real* 4.6
integer 4
uuid string Read Only long* f30cb9c3-3fc0-483f-bfb2-3bf134f00694
short f30cb9c3
wait date Modifiable formatted* 2015-12-28
julian 2457385.04894
epoch 1451308228
iso 20151228T131028Z
age 2min
relative -2min
countdown PT2M5S
Modifiable default*
* Means default format, and therefore optional. For example, 'due' and 'due.formatted' are equivalent.