Using Dates Effectively

A task does not require a due date, and can simply be a statement of need:

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card

However, this is exactly the kind of task can benefit from having a due date, and perhaps several other dates also.

There are several dates that can decorate a task, each with its own meaning and effects. You can choose to use some, all or none of these, but like all Taskwarrior features, they are there in case your needs require it, but you do not pay a performance or friction penalty by not using them.

The due Date

Use a due date to specify the exact date by which a task must be completed. This corresponds to the last possible moment when the task can be considered on-time. Using our example, we can set the due date to be Alice’s birthday (line breaks added for clarity):

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card \

Now your task has an associated due date, to help you determine when you need to work on it. But what effect does this have on Taskwarrior? How can it be used to best advantage?

We call the due date of a task ‘metadata’. As such, it is just a piece of data associated with the task, and therefore it can become part of a filter:

$ task due:today list

This is one way to find out if any of your tasks are due today. You could also use:

$ task +TODAY list

That is an example of a virtual tag, TODAY, which is not a real tag, but is something you can query, and is equivalent to the previous example. Additionally, you can use DUE which filters tasks that have a due date today or within the next 7 days, or WEEK for all tasks due within the current calendar week, or YESTERDAY, TOMORROW, MONTH and YEAR.

Note that number of days in which a task is considered DUE can be configured using the rc.due setting.

You can find tasks that have any due date at all:

$ task due.any: list

Or no due date:

$ task due.none: list

There is also an overdue report that makes use of the OVERDUE virtual tag, to show you what is already late. If you run the calendar report, your due date will be highlighted on it.

What we see here is that Taskwarrior leverages the metadata to drive various features. Several reports will sort by due date, and as we see above, a task that has a due date now belongs on your schedule.

The scheduled Date

A scheduled date is different from a due date, and represents the earliest opportunity to work on a task. Let’s continue with the same example above. You need to send a birthday card to Alice, but her birthday isn’t until November, so it’s not the kind of task that can be done in advance. Ideally this would be done a few days ahead of the due date:

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card \
           due:2016-11-08 \

This means that you need to send Alice a birthday card, no later than 2016-11-08, and no earlier than 2016-11-04.

If a task has a scheduled date, then once that date passes, the task is considered ready, and there is a ready report and a READY virtual tag for this:

$ task ready
$ task +READY list

Tasks that have no scheduled date are considered always ready. Again, metadata drives the sophistication of your task list.

The wait Date

Many people do not like to look at long task lists, finding them daunting, or just distracting. You can add a wait date to a task, which has the effect of hiding the task from you until that date. In our example, Alice’s birthday isn’t close yet, so we applied a scheduled date to indicate that we should not begin the task yet, as it is not ready. Now let’s add a wait date to the task:

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card \
           due:2016-11-08 \
           scheduled:2016-11-04 \

Here the task is given a wait date of 2016-11-01, via the useful shortcut ’november’, which means the task will not appear on lists until November. At that time, it will reappear, but it will still not be ready until 2016-11-04.

You can view all the hidden waiting tasks using the waiting report:

$ task waiting

There is a WAITING virtual tag to select these tasks, but note that you have to use the all report with it, otherwise you get conflicts with the other reports that specify a ‘pending’ status, because a waiting task is not pending.

The until Date

Now suppose I miss Alice’s birthday completely. Shame on me. The task would be overdue, but this is the kind of task where I don’t want to complete it late, I’d rather just forget it, and wish Alice a belated happy birthday in person. I could simply delete or complete the task, but there is another option, which is to add an until date:

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card \
           due:2016-11-08 \
           scheduled:2016-11-04 \
           wait:november \

This means that on 2016-11-10, the task self-destructs, and is automatically deleted. This might be the right thing to do for a birthday card task, but is not suitable for a “Pay the rent” task. Beware!

There is a DOM-based shortcut you can use, to make the command above a little more formulaic:

$ task add Send Alice a birthday card \
           due:2016-11-08 \
           scheduled:due-4d \
           wait:due-7d \

This is evaluated only at task creation time, so if you change the due date, you also need to change the other dates. Note there is an UNTIL virtual tag to show you all tasks that are set to auto-expire.

Other Dates

There are other dates associated with a task, but these are more for internal use, and are less useful for you.

Each task has an entry date which records when it was created. Each completed or deleted task has an end date, which records when it was completed or deleted. An active, or started task has a start date, but only while it is in the active state. Finally, every task has a modification date, which records when it was last modified. This is used as a hint when tasks are being synced.

In addition, you may find you have a use case for a different kind of date for your task lists. For example, you may adhere to an agile development process, and a task may be assigned to a sprint, and that sprint may be identified by its end date. You can add arbitrary dates like this to Taskwarrior by defining a User Defined Attribute (UDA) and then storing that metadata with your tasks. In this case, Taskwarrior will do nothing with your UDA but store it, and let you use it in reports and filters.


The presence and values of date metadata in your tasks affects the urgency calculations. For example, if a task is blocked by a dependency, the urgency is reduced. Similarly, tasks that are ready have an elevated urgency.

See Also

For other discussions of dates see: